Silence from Afghanistan at the UNGA session for the second consecutive year inspired leaders from a few other states to ensure the country was mentioned. Accorded a varied reception, the remarks reflect distinct national perceptions of, and interests in Afghanistan.
To Mourn or Not to Mourn, That is the Question
The death of Queen Elizabeth II has drawn varied reactions, including renewed anger from nations once subjected to British colonialism. To them, the occasion is yet another moment of reckoning; an opportunity to reveal the darker side of the extraordinary grandeur symbolized by the British Crown.
Pakistan and Afghanistan: Tale of Twins
The legacy of the Pak-Afghan region is one of conflicts and ties between the two countries oscillating between fellowship and distrust. As the two tread the path to greater stability, the time for laying the foundations of a durable union is evading fast.
Book Review: The Silk Roads
The rise of China at breakneck speed and the growing influence of Russia in the International Political arena after its invasion of Ukraine, are some of the things which Frankopan had already predicted in The Silk Roads: A New History of the World.
Trajectory of Pakistan-TTP Peace Talks
Peace negotiations between Pakistan and TTP are not a first-time-happening. But, what is unique about the latest round of peace talks? What is the possibility of success? What are the possible gains and anticipated losses if a settlement is to be concluded?
Will Russia Take the Lead in Recognising Afghan Interim Government?
Russia inviting Afghanistan to the St Petersburg International Economic Forum coupled with the statement that came from Russia’s special envoy for Afghanistan are significant developments given the fact that Russia’s engagement on the Ukraine front seems
“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” ~Albert Einstein
Allama Mohammed Iqbal and the Idea of Sovereign State
Islam to Iqbal was a philosophical ethos, more than a mere religion confined to the individual sphere. Thus, he spoke both in terms of the individual and the collective – framed in the concept of the Ummah.
Humanitarian Emergency and Security Threat in Afghanistan
Irresponsible US exit led to enduring crisis inside Afghanistan: security vacuum, economic woes, and IS threat.
2nd July 1972 – Simla Agreement: Restoration of Pak-India Ties
The context to this agreement provided a cogent look into the chain of events; that resulted in the signing of this deal in the serene mountains of Himachal Pradesh.