
Is Kashmir Solidarity Day Enough?

What does Kashmir Solidarity Day truly mean for Pakistan – beyond mere rituals and annual observances. As February 5th arrives, it is imperative for Pakistanis to confront uncomfortable questions regarding their commitment to Kashmir. The journey from impassioned calls in 1975 to the present demands introspection.

In the frosty winter of 1975, a spark ignited in Pakistan, setting in motion a call for solidarity with Kashmiris. Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s impassioned voice rallied the nation for a wheel jam protest against India’s occupation following a breakthrough Indira-Abdullah accord on Kashmir.

Fast forward to 1990, and the concept of Kashmir Day emerged, initiated by Qazi Hussain Ahmad and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. What started nationally evolved into a global movement, culminating in February 5 becoming a national holiday.

Over the years, the struggle in Kashmir intensified, witnessing unspeakable atrocities – 96,000 lives lost, 23,000 women widowed, and over 11,000 women and girls raped – tearing apart the very fabric of Kashmiri society, with 100,000 homes, schools, and houses demolished. These figures, reported in the media, may only scratch the surface of the grim reality.

In 2019, India’s controversial move to revoke Article 370 shook the region, leading to a blackout, a surge in armed forces, and an altered demographic landscape.

As Kashmir Solidarity Day is observed today, it calls for reflection beyond speeches, social media campaigns, and annual rituals.

What does this solidarity truly mean? The day should prompt deep introspection into the soul of the relationship with Kashmir.

The youth, the heartbeat of any nation, can redefine this solidarity. Engaging in dialogue, organizing seminars, and using social media as a tool for connection can amplify the Kashmiri struggle. It’s not just a day for speeches but a call for meaningful action, for understanding, and for an untiring commitment to the cause.

As the world witnesses the transformation of the Kashmir conflict through digital media, Pakistan, as a diplomatic supporter, must step up. Investing in research institutes, fostering inclusive discussions, and empowering the youth to be ambassadors of change – these are the steps toward a more substantial and lasting solidarity.

This Kashmir Solidarity Day should not be a moment of fleeting emotion but a sustained commitment to justice. Amidst slogans and ceremonies, are Pakistanis truly standing with Kashmir? Are they contributing to meaningful change, or are they merely echoing the same sentiments year after year?

Let 5th February 2024 not be just another day on the calendar. It’s a day for renewed commitment, a day when every Pakistani, especially the youth, actively participates in the cause – not just for one day, but every day, making every day a Kashmir Solidarity Day.

Today, it’s time for Pakistanis to face some uncomfortable realities. Will this day merely echo the familiar slogan, “Kashmir se humara rishta kya, La Ilaha IllAllah,” or can they move beyond rhetoric to concrete action?

The dilution of Article 370 by the Narendra Modi government reshaped the landscape of Jammu and Kashmir. Shouldn’t every day in Pakistan be a Kashmir Solidarity Day since that historic change? The recent inauguration of the Ram Mandir at the site of the demolished Babri mosque signals a shift in India’s secular fabric. As freedoms shrink for non-Hindus in Bharat, the altered demography of Kashmir becomes a poignant concern, a slow transformation that demands attention.

Year after year, Kashmir Solidarity Day passes with celebrations, but is it more than just a day of reassurance that Kashmir is Pakistan’s jugular vein? Amidst the repetitive chants, have Pakistanis become numb to the urgency of the Kashmiri struggle? The promises that one day Kashmir will be part of Pakistan – is it merely a soothing mantra?

How does the average Pakistani perceive Kashmir Solidarity Day? Is it merely a day off, spent on leisure activities, flooded with an abundance of “free Kashmir” messages and enticing sale offers from home and clothing outlets? If their engagement is limited to speeches, advocacy in international forums, and the organization of seminars and conferences, are they genuinely doing everything within their capacity for Kashmir?

Have they ever questioned their leaders about the status of the Kashmir policy – at the state level, the provincial level, or within their communities? With General Elections on the horizon in a few days, is there any political group that has explicitly prioritized the Kashmir policy in their manifesto?

The need of the hour is to involve the common Pakistani in a meaningful process. Beyond slogans, can Pakistan engage the public in a dialogue that goes beyond a single day? Is it time to transform Kashmir Solidarity Day from a mere ritual into a continuous effort, involving every citizen in understanding, advocating, and actively participating in the cause?

As we approach this Kashmir Solidarity Day, let’s question our collective conscience. Can Pakistan move beyond the comfort of familiar gestures and truly stand in solidarity with Kashmir? It’s time for introspection, action, and a commitment that goes beyond a single day on the calendar.


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