India to Attain S-400 Missiles from Russia

When President Vladimir Putin visits India later this year, he will obtain a concrete understanding of the status of India\’s relationship with Russia. It has remained strong in areas such as arms sales, oil, nuclear, and space cooperation. Even after the fall of Communism and while New Delhi\’s convergences with Washington, the relations have been steady on strategic dimensions. The compatibility of Indian and Russian political roles in the area, as well as internationally, is likely to improve at this point.

Will the Strengthening Ties Between Islamabad and Moscow Create a Hurdle for India Signing an S-400 Missile Deal with Russia?

However, things seem to have taken a turn. Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister left for Islamabad after his visit to New Delhi. In the past few years, the cooperation between Pakistan and Russia has strengthened. Particularly in the mutual interest in countering terrorism and the sale of military equipment.

At this point, the views of Moscow and Islamabad on the Afghan peace process, and the emphasis on the Taliban in terms of potential power-sharing, tend to be convergent. Furthermore, they are similar to those of Washington and Beijing, who are happy to cooperate with Islamabad.

While not fully expressed except on first principles, the Indian stance on the Taliban factor and in the light of President Ashraf Ghani\’s Government may be seen as more complex. Despite this, New Delhi-Moscow relations have always been good.

US Sanctions; An Impediment for India to Attain S-400 Missiles

After Mr Putin meets Prime Minister Narendra Modi later this year, it will be clearer in which direction the relations shifts. India hopes for favourable ties in order to attain the S-400 Missiles. Will it be in the light of India\’s favourable alliance with the United States or of Russia\’s near proximity to Beijing?  Another element could be America\’s tense relationship with both China and Russia.

Nonetheless, Mr Jaishankar\’s and Mr Lavrov\’s remarks indicate that both sides want to keep the bilateral relationship running smoothly. Either India will face US sanctions for the S-400 or it will cancel the S-400 to avoid sanctions. This is a serious question for later, and the response may have ramifications for both India-Russia and India-US relations.

The external affairs minister described the relationship as \”energetic and forward-looking\” in his remarks. This is a speculative formulation that allows for the possibility of positivity. The bilateral relations are \”valuable, mutually friendly,\” and \”not subject to political volatility,\” according to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The two formulations are not mutually exclusive. Both countries have respective interests, Russia evidently wants to enter the geopolitics. India on the other hand is hoping to sign a deal for S-400 missiles.

India\’s Membership with QUAD may have an Impact on Obtaining the S-400 Missiles from Russia

The phrase \”mutually respectful\” alludes to tactical discrepancies in a number of situations. Even when they cooperate substantially in a variety of respects, they would continue to be ironed out or put out of contention in mutually agreeable ways.

Mr Lavrov said that Russia-China relations are traditionally “at the highest” standard. Even though they are not a “military alliance”. Simultaneously, he shared Moscow\’s displeasure with India\’s membership in the QUAD. He referred to it as the \”Asian NATO\”. These findings are not antagonistic, as others would have may conceive to believe it.  Rather they are a snapshot of the present state of affairs in the world. Hence, India and Russia must keep their eyes open and stay well-calibrated.


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