
South Asia’s current affairs beyond the headlines!

Miscalculation or Inevitable? The Lal Masjid Siege and its Legacy

The decision to launch Operation Sunrise against Lal Masjid was the result of years of strategic...

House Pawns or Field Leaders: A Case of Kashmir’s Identity

In the heart of Kashmir's conflict lies a profound question: what defines Kashmir's identity?...

SCO Astana Summit 2024: New Era or Tectonic Shift?

The 24th SCO Astana Summit on July 3-4 marked a significant moment in regional diplomacy with the...

LFK Bi-Annual Review 2024: Rights Abuses in IIOJK

LFK Bi-Annual Review 2024 details severe human rights violations and escalating repression in Indian...

2024 US Presidential Debate: Biden vs. Trump Clash

In a fiery first debate of the 2024 election campaign, Joe Biden and Donald Trump clashed over...

Rice Boom, Water Blues: Can Pakistan Fix its Rice Equation?

Pakistan's rice exports are booming, but water scarcity looms. Can Pakistan's rice sector thrive...

From Tolerance to Tragedy: Blasphemy Weaponised in Pakistan

Blasphemy was weaponised in Pakistan due to social and political divisions: How did this happen, and...

Is the Glow of ‘Brand Modi’ Fading?

The 2024 elections brought an unforeseen plot twist, leaving pundits and citizens alike pondering a...

Transnational Repression: India under Scrutiny

Reports of India's transnational repression and state-sponsored terrorism under Modi have sparked...
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