
Informed discussions! Where you can challenge and be challenged…

Silencing Dissent: India’s Misuse of Anti-Terror Laws

Amnesty reports on India's misuse of counter-terrorism laws under BJP, highlighting suppression of...

Trump 2.0: Factors Fueling the Momentum for a Second Term

In 2024, amidst a polarized US political climate, the possibility of "Trump 2.0" looms large. From...

Nukes and Neighbours: South Asian Nuclear Powers

Pakistan, India and China, all three contenders share an unpleasant past and continue to water the...

Iranian Election 2024: Hope for a New Path?

Pezeshkian faces the daunting task of healing Iran's economy and relationships, balancing domestic...

Balloon Controversy Inflames Korean Peninsula

A bizarre balloon controversy inflames North-South Korea tensions prompting South Korea to suspend...

The Afghanistan Conundrum: Pakistan’s Challenge, China’s Role

With the Afghanistan conundrum creating a volatile situation on the border, Pakistan grapples for a...

Putin’s Gambit: Russia’s Foreign Policy in a Multipolar World

How Russia's foreign policy, under Putin's leadership, mixes great power strategy with assertive...

SIFC at One: Growth, Challenges, and the Road Ahead

SIFC at one has shown early promise in attracting FDI, but can it overcome challenges to unlock...

Digital Silk Road: Strategic Benefits for Pakistan

The central agenda of Digital Silk Road was to enhance the digital connectivity and infrastructure...