China-US tension heightens as US examines possibility of wind-driven deviation in Chinese Spy Balloon Path.
TTP: “Let’s Disturb China”
Owing to its historical and current ties to regional terrorist groups, TTP is one of China\’s greatest security challenges. However, it is strategically unsustainable unless the Afghan Taliban stop supporting it on the pretext of fulfilling their ethno-religious obligations.
Al Qaeda, TTP and IS-KP: The Convergence and Divergence
Al Qaeda, TTP, and IS-KP pose a great threat to South Asia and the whole world. Sharing similar history and formation, these organizations converge on their origin. However, their beliefs in Islamic State and their area of influence provide a distinction among them.
The Urgency of Securitizing Disinformation
While Pakistan has an ample sum of troubles to deal with, here is a case for why it should securitize disinformation. In hybrid and 5th generation warfare, cyberspace and disinformation campaigns are extremely lethal weapons used by enemy states. Hence, counter mechanisms must be a top priority.
Hashtag Wars and Afghanistan
The thing about hashtag wars is that their foundations are very shallow and are based on inaccuracies. Unfortunately, these trends in the contemporary period have an influence regardless of their credibility.
Trajectory of Pakistan-TTP Peace Talks
Peace negotiations between Pakistan and TTP are not a first-time-happening. But, what is unique about the latest round of peace talks? What is the possibility of success? What are the possible gains and anticipated losses if a settlement is to be concluded?
Pakistan-TTP Negotiations
On-going negotiations between Pakistan and TTP; what are the stakes for Pakistan and the Interim Government of Afghanistan? What are the potential detrimental factors that can sabotage the smoothly progressing peace process, that includes the key involvement of Tribal elders?
Insurgency in Balochistan and Pakistan’s Security Concerns
Regional geopolitics and competition have played a major role in fueling the insurgency in Balochistan, Pakistan. The streak of attacks by insurgent groups and terrorism\’s recent wave in Pakistan, especially when the Interim Afghan Government is hunting down ISKP in Afghanistan, make security challenges apparent.
India’s ‘Accidental’ Missile Launch into Pakistan: Threat to Region?
As the international community has long been concerned over nuclear technology and nuclear missiles falling into the hands of rogue elements – Isn\’t this specific incident of India\’s accidental missile firing into Pakistan indicate rogue-actors-like handling of the weapon system by a nuclear state?
Three Years to Operation Swift Retort
Balakot airstrikes and the retaliating Operation Swift Retort by Pakistan’s Air Force provide a bigger foreground for understanding the potential of escalation in the South Asian Region and offer important insights into the deterrence paradox.