As the international community has long been concerned over nuclear technology and nuclear missiles falling into the hands of rogue elements – Isn\’t this specific incident of India\’s accidental missile firing into Pakistan indicate rogue-actors-like handling of the weapon system by a nuclear state?
International Women’s Day & Realities of women in Pakistan
This International Women’s Day, let’s have a closer look at the lives of Pakistani women. Pakistan’s society is unique and hence the challenges and opportunities women in Pakistan have are different from women anywhere else in the world.
Five Years to Radd-ul-Fasaad – Analyzing Threats and Counter-Threat Measures
Five years after Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad in Pakistan, it remains to be seen how productive counter-extremism efforts have been. At the forefront of narrative and ideological battles, how much has the state of Pakistan been able to achieve?
Kashmir – The Geoeconomic Trends
Since October 27th, 1947, Kashmir’s illegal occupation persists. Delhi’s August 5th, 2019 move aims for demographic change.
Invading Afghanistan; The Abuse of Feminism
In between the years of fighting, waging war, terrorizing, forcing, and manipulating ideologies; one tends to dismiss all the lives of innocent, women, children and men. That have buried not only their loved ones but also their liberation and right to life; in the ‘Graveyard of Empires’.
Analyzing PM Imran Khan’s National Assembly Address
On 30th June, Imran Khan clearly outlined that Pakistan seeks no strategic depth in Afghanistan. This was in continuation of the statements that other Pakistani Officials gave regarding Afghanistan.
No Win War – Pakistan Afghan Paradox: A Review
The Book ‘No Win War’ by Zahid Hussain delves into post-9/11 War on Terror dynamics, spotlighting US-Pakistan relations.
Majoritarian State – How Hindu Nationalism is Changing India
The book “Majoritarian State” critiques Indian political system’s opposition to multiculturalism. Analyzes how nationalism fosters violence.
Civilian Nuclear Potential of South Asia
The massive threshold of the population is an untapped reservoir that could steer the developmental determinants of South Asia.
Implications of Probable Pak-Afghan Security Agreement
Setting up a seminal ‘security agreement’ between Pakistan and Afghanistan will be beneficial to both neighborly nations.