Sri Lanka Delays General Elections Yet Again

Sri Lanka Delays General Elections Yet Again

General Elections in the country have been postponed for a second time due to the pandemic-the date is now set for 5th August

The head of the nation’s election commission said that the country will now have General Elections on 5th August, at a news briefing on Wednesday. The parliamentary vote has been delayed for a second time in the country owing to the coronavirus pandemic.

The elections had been scheduled for 26th April 2020, which was later postponed to 20th June, and now has been postponed again. The situation is not pretty, even though the island is doing far better than its South Asian counterparts at reigning in the outbreak, reporting 1,859 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 11 deaths so far from the disease.

The parliament was dissolved in early March. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa remains, however, the nation found itself in a 52-day lockdown soon after that. Extended lockdowns were a desperate measure which South Asian countries took as escalated efforts began to control the spread of the coronavirus across the densely populated region of 1.9 billion people.


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