
South Asia’s current affairs beyond the headlines!

Is the Glow of ‘Brand Modi’ Fading?

The 2024 elections brought an unforeseen plot twist, leaving pundits and citizens alike pondering a...

Transnational Repression: India under Scrutiny

Reports of India's transnational repression and state-sponsored terrorism under Modi have sparked...

Aaina: A Love Story That Never Ages

Mujhay Dil Se Na Bhulana, Pakistani iconic song from 1977 film Aaina, is cinematic masterpiece that...

Is the SIFC Single-handedly Reviving Pakistan’s Economy?

Pakistan sees FDI surge thanks to SIFC's efforts. Can the council's initiatives be the key to...

Explained: Pakistan Bans Iran-Linked Zainebiyoun

Pakistan's ban on the Zainebiyoun Brigade underscores rising concerns over its activities, signaling...

India’s Dream Run Hits a Speed Bump?

India, the world's largest democracy, is grappling with multiple challenges that threaten its...

What Does the Speech by Taliban Supreme Leader Portend?

What might be the far-reaching implications of the speech by Afghan Taliban's Supreme Leader on...

Pakistan IMF Talks: Relief or Recipe for Pain?

Pakistan on the Precipice: Will the IMF Deal Deliver Stability or More Pain?...

Pakistan-Iran Crisis: Check or Checkmate?

The Pakistan-Iran Crisis unfolds like a geopolitical chessboard—from the Iranian strikes to Telegram...
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