The 2024 elections brought an unforeseen plot twist, leaving pundits and citizens alike pondering a pivotal question: Is the magic of ‘Brand Modi’ fading?
The Rise of Hindutva Fascism and the Indian Muslims
Are India’s upcoming elections signaling a rise in Hindutva Fascism and its potential impact on Indian Muslims?
PTM: Protection of Pashtuns or Sub-Nationalist Motives?
The ethno-national fault line of Pakistan’s North-West has tactfully been weaponized by PTM to further sub-nationalist desires.
The Taliban Eclipse
Two years of Kabul’s takeover, what is new and what is old about the new rulers of Afghanistan?
Diaspora Writers’ Afghan War Depiction – Kochai vs Hosseini
The Afghan diaspora has faced ongoing struggles since the 1980s, marked by the heartbreaking necessity to leave their homeland. While their primary yearning is for a peaceful Afghanistan, the harsh realities of present-day global, political, and social circumstances continue to haunt their dreams.
Book Review: The Return Of The Taliban Afghanistan After The US Left
The book provides a valuable insight into the post-withdrawal Afghanistan. “The Return of the Taliban” by Hassan Abbas is indeed a significant addition to the existing corpus of knowledge on Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover.
Movements for Change: Is Feminism Indigenous to Pakistan?
Pakistan is not an oasis in the larger, global movement for women\’s rights. But, there has been no real progress in Pakistan\’s seeming drive for women\’s rights. In this scenario, it is imperative to determine whether Pakistan has an indigenous feminist movement.
Secessionist Agenda of Pakistan’s PTM: An Analysis
The use of Pashtun ethnicity as a basis for separatist agenda demands a normative understanding of ‘ethnic-nationalism’. The issues faced by Pashtuns in erstwhile FATA cannot be considered persecution or subjugation of an ethnicity.
Indo-Iran Evolving Ties, Rise of Taliban and The Region
On 6th September 2021, the Taliban claimed to take over the Panjshir in Afghanistan. Similar to their narrative which has stayed persistent since the fall of the Kabul Government, the Taliban have assured security to the locals of Panjshir and that they too will be included in the upcoming new Afghanistan Government.