Pakistan launches nationwide anti-polio vaccination drive Dec. 16-22, targeting 44M children under 5 to curb rising polio cases.
COVID-19: West and Pandemic Policies
Winter has arrived and health experts are warning that a new surge of COVID-19 infection is looming, particularly in the United States and Europe, where COVID-19 cases are already high enough.
India in Afghanistan: Friend or Frenemy?
Despite ideological fissures between a deeply Islamophobic polity of India and the ‘Islamic Emirate’ of Afghanistan, as well as the specter of a troubled past, signs of rapprochement between the two are on the horizon. But at what cost?
Afghanistan Food Crisis: Bread for Every Breath
Afghanistan food crisis is one of the major issues in Afghanistan, and the situation has further deteriorated since the fall of Kabul. Considering the principle of \”Jus Post Bellum\”, who is responsible for the misery, and what can be done in this regard?
Omega 3 Protection Against Air Pollution
New Omega 3 Research New research suggests that eating more than one servings per seven-day stretch of fish may allow older women to ingest enough omega-3 unsaturated fats to prevent the impacts of air contamination on the brain, as indicated by a study p