Down The Line

From current affairs to timeless tales — bringing you perspectives that matter, down the line!

Pakistan: Charting the Course to Democracy

Despite Pakistan's troubled political history, this week has witnessed unprecedented public...

South Asia: The New Nuclear Age

The security dynamics of South Asia have been exacerbated by the existence of two security rivalry...

COP27: Pakistan Amid Climate Divide

Floods in Pakistan have not only revealed the country's extreme vulnerability to climate change but...

US and Afghanistan: Old Foes, New Times

Recent talks between the US and Taliban officials offer a glimpse of hope for renewed engagement...

October 8: Of Tremors and Resilience

Through its apocalyptic imagery, October 8 has since its tragic dawn in 2005 captured the zenith of...

India in Afghanistan: Friend or Frenemy?

Despite ideological fissures between a deeply Islamophobic polity of India and the 'Islamic Emirate'...

UNGA 77th: Discourse on Afghanistan

Silence from Afghanistan at the UNGA session for the second consecutive year inspired leaders from a...

To Mourn or Not to Mourn, That is the Question

The death of Queen Elizabeth II has drawn varied reactions, including renewed anger from nations...

SCO Summit 2022: An Overview

The SCO Summit 2022 is yet another reminder of the significance of the organization's geostrategic...