Komal Salman, a multifaceted professional with experience spanning graphic design since undergraduate studies, media production, indie authorship, and artistry, brings a rich storytelling perspective to her work.

Pakistan has Unexpected Guests Migratory birds flock to Pakistan as lockdowns keep hunters away

Migratory birds have flocked the wetlands of Sindh, Pakistan’s southern province, in much greater numbers this year. Officials and other observers are linking it to the coronavirus lockdown measures that have kept poachers at pay. Pakistan lifted a month-long country-wide lockdown in May. However, currently, with over 185,000 cases and 3500 deaths, the situation is still grave. There is one national park in Sindh, which is home to more than 300 bird species, along with more than 33 wildlife sanctuaries. Hence, Sindh Wildlife Department conducts surveys in around 40 percent of Sindh’s wetlands, to gain insight into the migratory patterns and numbers of birds, every year. This year they recorded a record high number of 741,042 migratory birds in the province. Last year the figure stood at 248,105! Cranes, mallards, pelicans, and waders, amongst many other birds, stop in Pakistan on their way to and from Siberia. A veteran Pakistani wildlife photographer Ahmer Ali Rizvi also said that it is likely that lockdown measures have reduced disturbances by humans and caused the birds to stay longer than usual. Speaking of trapping, or the bird black market in the province, Sindh authorities also revealed that no wildlife-related crimes have been recorded since the lockdown was imposed. Hunting, however, has been a consistent problem in the area and poses a threat to several rare species of birds, including the Houbara Bustard.

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