Eman Anjum, a young researcher, graduate of National Defence University Islamabad, specializes in Pak-Afghan affairs, security, and regional dynamics, demonstrating a dedicated interest in these fields.
Afghan refugees arrive at the Torkham border crossing in Pakistan to cross over into Afghanistan on November 2, 2023 [Image via Al Jazeera]
Eman Anjum

Afghan Refugee: Do We Ever Belong?

Every day hundreds and thousands of people cross the borders in pursuit of better economic opportunities and living conditions, perhaps sometimes only for the sake of survival. However, the level of brutality that they have to go through is insane. Such is the case of Afghan refugee.

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Afghanistan food crisis is one of the major regional issues, and situation has further deteriorated since the fall of Kabul in August 2021.
Beyond Boundaries
Eman Anjum

Afghanistan Food Crisis: Bread for Every Breath

Afghanistan food crisis is one of the major issues in Afghanistan, and the situation has further deteriorated since the fall of Kabul. Considering the principle of \”Jus Post Bellum\”, who is responsible for the misery, and what can be done in this regard?

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