Ayesha Arshad is a student pursuing a Bachelor of Science (Honors) in International Relations at the National Defence University Islamabad. She currently works as a researcher at the Kashmir Institute for International Relations, a non-profit think tank. Previously, she was associated with the Islamabad Institute for Strategic Studies, where she focused on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) at the Pak-China Study Centre.
Ayesha holds three certifications in Global Diplomacy from the University of London, a Politics certificate from Yale University, and a Global History certificate from the University of Virginia.
Explore the humanitarian crisis in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and how SAARC and SCO contribute to crisis diplomacy in South Asia. [Wikimedia Commons]
Beyond Boundaries
Ayesha Arshad

Kashmir and Crisis Diplomacy: The Roles of SAARC and SCO

For over seventy years, Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir has been embroiled in conflict, facing a dire humanitarian crisis; thus, it raises the question of how regional bodies like SAARC and SCO can pivot from geopolitical tensions to address urgent humanitarian needs.

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