Beyond the displays of military prowess, September 6th is a day for introspection—a time to acknowledge that while external threats are palpable, the gravest danger often festers within our borders.
Pakistan: The Flip Side
Uniquely born and uniquely existing, this is the story of Pakistan’s 76 years as a free country.
India: On Defeatism and Ideology
In view of certain objectionable remarks that have emerged, it is vital to remember that ideology—not hypocrisy—should be the master. If the hypocrisy generated of lethargy and cowardice is not eradicated, it will feed defeatism, which is unwarranted and destructive.
India: The Misogynistic Wave of Saffron Terror
An in-depth analysis of recent incidents of violence against women in India will reveal the institutionalized cycle of marginalization and misogyny in this time period, which is sometimes referred to as the “Saffron Terror” era.
Al Qaeda, TTP and IS-KP: The Convergence and Divergence
Al Qaeda, TTP, and IS-KP pose a great threat to South Asia and the whole world. Sharing similar history and formation, these organizations converge on their origin. However, their beliefs in Islamic State and their area of influence provide a distinction among them.
Agnipath: Game-Changer for India?
As India takes to the “Paths of Fire”, can Pakistan afford to remain sound asleep?
Zawahiri is Gone, But Not the Terrorism
Zawahiri\’s death is likely to mark the beginning of a new and potentially final chapter in al-Qaeda’s history, which began in Afghanistan in the late 1980s. However, his death does not lessen the broader threat posed by Al-Qaeda-affiliated groups operating outside of the United States.
From every pinch of history to present day challenges, Pakistan Day calls for revisiting and re-establishing the ideologues and visions that guided the founding fathers to its demand and creation. March 23rd is a resolve to stand by those commitments and nurture them each day.
Preventive vs. Creative Aim in Pakistan’s Founding Vision
Pakistan, the vision of founding fathers, and the aim of a separate homeland – March 23, 1940, unreserved triumph or unfinished business?
Extremism & Its Counter-Narrative
Of countering narratives and creating the possibilities of a peaceful future, read how an alternative discourse can be generated in response to extremism.