World Bank pledges $20B under Country Partnership Framework to support Pakistan’s development in key sectors.
China: Sustaining the Saudi-Iran Deal
Since normalization is a protracted and challenging process, wider support and recognition from regional and extra-regional countries is essential because China alone cannot guarantee the longevity of the Saudi-Iran agreement.
India and Afghanistan: The Windows of Opportunity
The geopolitical rivalry between India and Pakistan in the Afghan theater is not the only rationale for India\’s readiness to step up and boost international collaboration on counterterrorism issues. There are vested interests for other regional actors as well.
Pakistan and Afghanistan: Tale of Twins
The legacy of the Pak-Afghan region is one of conflicts and ties between the two countries oscillating between fellowship and distrust. As the two tread the path to greater stability, the time for laying the foundations of a durable union is evading fast.
On Development: Kashmir Since August 2019
Since the revocation of article 370 which stripped the state of Jammu and Kashmir of its unique status back in 2019, it is not only the property or land from which Muslims of the region were denied in the last three years, as attempts were also made to strip them of their religious beliefs.
OIC 48th CFM – Why is it Important for Pakistan?
OIC’s 48th session in Islamabad has erected Pakistan as a pivot of the OIC. For the first time, OIC has voiced very clearly the issues that concern the regional stability of South Asia. It remains to be seen, however, that will OIC be able to raise its stature from a popularly-claimed defunct body to a platform perfectly capable of voicing issues and concerns in a way that promotes action?
Bangladesh Inaugurates the Country’s Largest Refugee Housing Scheme
Project inaugurated to house climate refugees Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has inaugurated the country’s largest rehabilitation project in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. The landmark called ‘Khurushkul Ashrayan Prokalpa’ will be home to 4000 families. Additiona
Bangladesh Set to Launch 4 Tech Centers in Economic Zones
Bangladesh\'s economic zones look forward to launching four tech centers in the country. The initiative includes installing new technologies to boost export earnings. One tech center is to be inaugurated at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Shilpa Nagar in Chattog