RSS leader reveals how Indian media aligns with Hindutva ideology to fuel Islamophobia and boost TRPs in debates.
FO Condemns Islamophobic Attacks on British Pakistani Community
FO condemns Islamophobic rhetoric against the British Pakistani community, highlighting their vital contributions to the UK.
How Media Moguls Shape the Narrative Against the Pakistani Diaspora
Explore how media moguls like Musk and Zuckerberg shape narratives, impacting truth and the Pakistani diaspora in the UK.
In Modi’s Delhi, Indian Muslims find security in Segregation
Muslims in Delhi face growing segregation as they seek safety in enclaves following riots and rising Islamophobia.
India at G20: Is the Glitter Just Surface Deep?
As India prepares to take the spotlight at the G20 Summit, it\’s essential to question whether this glittering opportunity signifies a genuine commitment to address pressing concerns or if it merely serves as a facade. The issues of rising inflation, extremism, Islamophobia, and the Kashmir situation cast a shadow on India\’s international image.
India’s BBC Documentary Ban Backfires
India’s attempts to suppress a BBC documentary on Modi and the Gujarat riots backfired, highlighting the futility of online content bans.
Tax officials raid BBC India
Tax officials raid BBC India, just weeks after the release of a documentary critical of the prime minister, Narendra Modi, which was later blocked by the government.
India in Afghanistan: Friend or Frenemy?
Despite ideological fissures between a deeply Islamophobic polity of India and the ‘Islamic Emirate’ of Afghanistan, as well as the specter of a troubled past, signs of rapprochement between the two are on the horizon. But at what cost?
Blasphemous Remarks and India-Arab Tensions
BJP’s spokesperson, Nupur Sharma, made offensive and Islamophobic remarks about Prophet Mohammad on an Indian news channel. Aa a reaction, Qatar, Kuwait, and Iran summoned respective Indian ambassadors. Moreover, the Gulf Cooperation Council, Saudi Arabia
India in a Diplomatic Puddle Over Muslim World’s Outrage
What started as a hashtag in the Arab World condemning blasphemous remarks of two of India’s BJP’s members turned into official denouncing of the act and hate speech, wherein Indian ambassadors were summoned in respective countries to record prote