The buildup to the FIFA World Cup 2022 and the contentious discussions over whether or not Qatar was eligible to host the event has only exposed in stark detail what can best be characterized as western hypocrisy.
UNGA 77th: Discourse on Afghanistan
Silence from Afghanistan at the UNGA session for the second consecutive year inspired leaders from a few other states to ensure the country was mentioned. Accorded a varied reception, the remarks reflect distinct national perceptions of, and interests in Afghanistan.
SCO Summit 2022: An Overview
The SCO Summit 2022 is yet another reminder of the significance of the organization\’s geostrategic scope and its membership in shared aspirations of regional connectivity. With theorized shifts in the global order, the degree of actualization of that vision remains to be seen.
Taliban-Qatar Security Pact: A Reflection
Taliban-Qatar security cooperation – the deal could have been sealed with any other country, but the Taliban opted for Qatar, the country with whom the Taliban had historical relations, and also enjoy a neutral status while being the United States front-state to deal with the Taliban – signals Taliban’s pragmatism on the foreign policy front.
India in a Diplomatic Puddle Over Muslim World’s Outrage
What started as a hashtag in the Arab World condemning blasphemous remarks of two of India’s BJP’s members turned into official denouncing of the act and hate speech, wherein Indian ambassadors were summoned in respective countries to record prote