BLA commander Mushtaq Kohi killed in Kabul, raising questions on India’s alleged support for Baloch separatist groups.
New Delhi Considering Request of IEA for Mumbai Representative
India considers accepting request of IEA for a diplomatic representative in Mumbai, marking a step towards formal ties.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: No Trouble with Neighbors
As Afghanistan approaches its two-year milestone under Islamic Emirate, a complex interplay of diplomacy, and counterterrorism unfolds. The question arises: Can IEA effectively ensure stability while dealing with groups like TTP?
IEA Tango: The Resurgence of TTP
The UNSC Monitoring Teamโs 32nd report underlines that the IEA\’s support for the TTP grows with each passing year, as do its capabilities and capacity.
Women’s Education Weaponized in Afghanistan
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan does not seem to make any bargains on girlsโ education with the international community. There is more to the ban whose end is nowhere in sight.
Afghanistan: The Four-Pronged Saga
Afghanistan, like a lock, can isolate Central, South, and West Asia from one another. If viewed positively, it can open the door to cooperation. These prospects are contingent on the China-India-Pakistan triangle serving as a major regional fault line.
40 Million US Dollars Delivered to Afghanistan
40 million US dollars delivered to Afghanistan as part of philanthropic aid and was given over to a business bank in Kabul.
Terrorism in Pakistan: The Indian Footprint
Without unanimity among the Pak-Afghan-India trio on what should account for a peaceful vision for the future, the region would continue to suffer, with its people repeatedly sacrificed on the altar of long-standing geopolitical rivalries.
Pakistan Embassy Attack Kabul: A Perspective
If the attack on the Pakistani embassy in Kabul is any indication, there is no other option for the leadership in the two countries than to adopt a people-centric approach to prevent the region\’s descent into chaos.
Afghan Refugee: Do We Ever Belong?
Every day hundreds and thousands of people cross the borders in pursuit of better economic opportunities and living conditions, perhaps sometimes only for the sake of survival. However, the level of brutality that they have to go through is insane. Such is the case of Afghan refugee.