Khalil Haqqani’s death in a Kabul explosion exposes leadership rifts in the Afghan interim government and raises concerns about ISKP’s role.
At Crossroads: The Indo-Afghan Ties
After a year’s hiatus, India is cautiously returning to Afghanistan. Amid China making inroads in Afghanistan, explore the evolving dynamics of Indo-Afghan ties in the region, and the crossroads at which they stand.
Taliban-Qatar Security Pact: A Reflection
Taliban-Qatar security cooperation – the deal could have been sealed with any other country, but the Taliban opted for Qatar, the country with whom the Taliban had historical relations, and also enjoy a neutral status while being the United States front-state to deal with the Taliban – signals Taliban’s pragmatism on the foreign policy front.
Who Is Responsible for Afghanistan’s Collapse?
The question of responsibility will surface time and again until a humanitarian and security catastrophe keeps haunting Afghanistan and the region – who is responsible for Afghanistan’s collapse?